Monday, April 27, 2009

Hi Health

Pretty awesome health care movement that I hope I had mentioned before... many applications with PT... possibilities... and their HQ is right nearby me here in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pass the Peas

I am sure at some point you have recommended to someone with a bang or bruise, using a bag of frozen vegetables as a substitute for an ice pack, as it conforms better and provides nutrition afterwards, teehee
Apparently CVS has created an ice pack to mimic the conforming power of peas, check it out here.

Already getting blogged about elsewhere, more specifically for kiddies.

Me Swimming

Last week for our staff meeting, Jamie Barrone (one of Michael Phelps' former teammates) who is now a swim coach came to discuss swim biomechanics. Check out his website and if you want to improve your swimming consider having a session with him:

It inspired me to videotape my own swimming to analyze and hopefully improve my efficiency. One of my loyal readers and favorite professors happens to be running in the next lane over for one of the videos.

I am open to feedback, any aspects of my swimming you think I should fix (please keep in mind I have learned a little from the videos already and I have not been using my legs too much secondary to being 4 months post-op). I know there is much work to be done...

Thanks Petey for video taping!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Clinics in Sports Medicine

In doing some research on swimming, I came across a publication that I had seen previously in my researching of other subjects. This time I happened to notice that all of their issues were theme based. For instance the April issue for this year is all about "Allografts" and the October issue from last year was titled "Shoulder problems in athletes". I think this is a very interesting way to present literature. As a busy clinician you may be more likely to delve into one topic of interest rather than skim through an entire journal of many different topics that may not all interest you. I am still at a stage where I try to read everything I possibly can so I appreciate both formats, but I have noticed that the "themed issues" seem to be an emerging trend in PT related journals. JOSPT has recently had an issue all about the shoulder, NAJSPT had an issue all about MLKI, just to name a few.

I recently spoke with a PT in a residency program for orthopaedics, and he told me he reads a minimum of 45 journal articles a week... they may name the chair he sits in everyday in the library after him, who knows... just some thoughts... back to busy life... Hope you had a great holiday weekend!