Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday PT

As someone who isn't used to working at all, working on a Sunday is a unique feeling... it's 6:40 AM and I am waiting for the train (trying rollerblades for the non-train part of my commute).

As a recap I work in acute care ortho setting where almost all patients just had some sort of orthopaedic procedure performed. The majority are total hip or knee replcaements followed by spinal surgeries and a variety of other interesting surgical procedures that require some assistive device training, gait/transfer training, safety and patient education, therapeutic exercises and range of motion.

For the first 6 days of the week therapy is provided twice a day and on sunday's only once.

The weird thing this week for me is I had yesterday off and will have tomorrow off. So it's almost like having two weekends...maybe?

I normally have Sunday and Monday off but I became a godfather yesterday so I had to take the day off. Which did give me a chance to take part in the new york road runner's long training run in central park where I ran 10 miles in just under 80 minutes with an average HR of 170. Then I ran back to my friends place to shower and ran to the train to get to the godfathery-thingy.

In other news my boards are fast approaching... that's really all I have to say about that :)

Have a great sunday... football is coming!!! yay...

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