Wednesday, December 29, 2010

EIM, free stuff!

Check out the free EBP course:

Evidence In Motion continues to redefine and push our profession forward, just wonderful to see and I am excited about how much more can be done. I see too much of our profession in the stone age... let's "move forward"!

OCS Countdown, yay pressure

Monday, December 20, 2010

Upcoming Me

To get you all caught up on me (and hopefully for you to join me at some of these events) here are just a few of the upcoming plans in the immediate future:

NYE Run 12/31/10
CF Mobility Cert 2/4/11
TPI-L1, CSM & Mardi Gras Full or Half Marathon (Have yet to decide) 2/7-14/11
NYC Tri 08/07/11
Tour de Force 9/8/11-9/11/11 (please donate - I should have the donation page setup under my name shortly, it would be greatly appreciated)